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Heritage, Innovation and Quality

Soave Otto

PRA Soave Otto

The Wines & Land

The Wines
Low yields per hectare, careful vineyard work, a clean winery, working in controlled temperatures, searching for clean wine, and the capacity to pair perfectly with food.

PRA Soave Otto
PRA Soave Otto

The Land
Everything starts from and depends on the terroir. The identity of our wines is a meticulous and calculated sum of the nature of these lands, the hillside vineyards, a specific microclimate, and an accurate selection of native grapes.

I only guide the wine. I don’t improve what nature offers but, rather, lead it in the right direction towards an elegant, precious wine.

Graziano Prà

Wine of the Week

PRA Soave Otto

PRA Soave Otto

Production Area

Monteforte d’Alpone, Italy

Vineyard Age

30 - 70 years 

Altitude & Soil Type

100 - 250 metres & volcanic

Grape Variety

100% Garganega

Wine Description

Wine Description

A pale yellow color, its aromas are rich in flowers, such as hawthorn and jasmine, green apple and almond. On the palate it shows a clear mineral freshness and a strong flavor. Really good as an aperitif accompanied by Parma ham and fresh cheeses, or with pasta dishes, risotto with lake fish and soups of fresh vegetables.

About the House


A great wine reflects the land it comes from.

Graziano Prà

a vine man

Screw Cap

Our choice, a screw cap

The Land

Everything starts from and depends on the terroir

The Team

Graziano Prà

An authentic vine grower, raised in a family tied to viticulture, who chose to produce his own wines using only native grapes.

“Native vines tell the story and are an expression of the place they grow in. My duty as a vine grower is to transform them into wines that reflect the unique flavour of the terroir where they are produced.”

Screw Cap

"I believe in vines, and screw caps, too."
Graziano Prà

After many years of searching for the best solution to support the longevity of our wines, we finally made a choice: screw caps.

Our choice of screw caps started from research related to the longevity of wine. Still in use today, this kind of cap was adopted in the United States and New Zealand many years previously, so out of curiosity we began experimenting with our white wines. Otto, our Soave Classico DOC, was the first to have its closure changed, and then, year after year, we changed all of them, ending with our crus.

After many years of observation, bottle ageing and tastings of older vintages, we are now certain that the screw cap is the best choice for ageing and preserving our white wines. It is the answer we had been seeking for a long time, the answer to our desire to produce good, faultless, clean and elegant wines over time.

Choosing the right closure for our wines is an essential step in our search for excellence. Screw caps, which protect and preserve wine, guarantee ageing that does not depend on the closure, but rather on the characteristics of the terroir, the vintage, and the touch of the vine grower.

The Land

The identity of our wines is a meticulous and calculated sum of the nature of these lands, the hillside vineyards, a specific microclimate, and an accurate selection of native grapes.

We are in one of the best terroirs in Soave for vine growing, with forty hectares of vines that cover this hilly area, whose soil is of volcanic origin. In respect of the place we live in and because of our love of nature, we grow vines in a way paying the greatest attention to their natural surroundings. We have eight hectares of flaky calcareous soil in the Valpolicella hills; it is a very cold area, influenced by the cold currents of the Lessini Mountains.

The soil and the climate contribute to the complexity of these wines: Garganega and Trebbiano di Soave in the Soave production area, Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Oseleta in the Valpolicella Allargata.

The Team

We believe that behind a great wine lies the work of a group of people who are all looking in the same direction.
The company is like a family, harvesting is a moment of celebration.

Graziano Prà is a long-sighted vine grower who has a team of people working alongside him, helping him follow his dream related to wine and vines. Behind our bottles there are men and women, mothers and fathers; there are people who work the soil and people who travel around the world to sell the wine that comes from our hills; someone cooks for everyone during the days of harvest, and most of the people have become attached to the place over the years.

We are a large number of people, we are organised, different, but there are some fundamental points which represent the values that keep us closely linked and which make all of us look in the same direction, a guarantee for those who choose our wines.